It’s November 2015 at Standford University, California. The fresh ocean breeze the air and the beautiful surroundings are giving Emmanuelle a boost. In a few minutes, she will be presenting Verifik8 concept to a range of investors and seafood professionals as part of the FISH 2.0 2015 competition.
“At that time, Verifik8 was just a concept, with the aim to reduce the cost of verification while improving transparency in the seafood supply chain.
FISH 2.0 competition has been a unique learning experience. It shaped the idea from a concept to a robust business model, boost confidence in my entrepreneurship skills and is the real starting point of this amazing and innovative adventure.”
Emmanuelle Bourgois, Director of FairAgora Asia & Verifik8
Since then, Verifik8 team has expanded from 1 to 4 staff, conducted 10 field visits and audits in farms and fisheries in Thailand and Indonesia, competed in 6 different start-up challenges and won the SeedStars Bangkok Award, and worked hard to deliver its first minimum viable product to the market this month.
This journey has been the result of a lot of personal engagement from Emmanuelle and her team. With persistence and professionalism, but also the strong conviction that technology-based and market-driven solutions can offer new way to monitor and verify social and environmental performances in the supply chain.
The uniqueness of the team is not only its diversity, but also its strong Southeast Asian presence and innovative mindset. Using a lean approach, the product has been developed with the users, for the users, to enhance the potential of its adoption and the accuracy of its data analytics.
Verifik8’s uniqueness relates on its disruptive Business to business (BtoB) approach to improve transparency and risk identification in a complex supply chain. By providing market intelligence based on solid data and metrics, it aims at building trust across the supply chain – from producers to retailers and ultimately consumers.
It is just the beginning. See you in 2017!
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